Thursday, June 26, 2008

Our vision

F.A.I.T.H is a community build to inform people all about poverty all over the world. 
F.A.I.T.H stands for Freedom of Action to Influence with Truth and Hope. The vision of our community is to set up a community in which enables people with the same vision and concerns to share and to be encouraged to help those who are in need. The community is build by 3 young women from Indonesia, with increasing concerns about poverty especially in our country Indonesia. This community is based on christian perspectives although we do not limit anyone anywhere in the world with any kind of believe to connect in our community.

In Indonesia,  with a massive amount of population trapped in the circle of poverty Indonesia had a very wide gap between the rich and the poor. Half of Indonesia's 235 million population are living in poverty, in which most live on $2 a day and 18% livi with only $1 a day.  This is a major concern to us, as Indonesia developed into a more modernized country we wish that we can change the condition in Indonesia in the near future.  For me, I am most concern about the education in Indonesia which is very poor. Half of the population did not get the chance to even be educated, let alone be successful in their lives. They are trapped in the circle of poverty and have no where to go.  

We are the people who are called to help them. we are educated, we are blessed, and we have the same concerns. so what are you waiting for?!  $1 might not mean anything for us (you can't even buy a bottle of water in the supermarket), but $1 means one more day to live for them. small things does matter, and we can start just by doing small things. 

if you are interested and would like to contact me 
add me on facebook, friendster, or mail me at

be blessed

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