Thursday, July 3, 2008

foundations that you can look at..

there are many foundations that concerns about poverty in the world and help people all over the world in many ways.  If you would like to help by donating or be involve, you can look at this few links that i am posting in this page. 

The first foundation that i think is very good is COMPASSION
compassion is a christian foundation that concerns about children all over the world. what you can do through this website is to choose a child and adopt one child for $50. With that $50 the child will have the opportunity to go to school, food, and most importantly the feeling that somebody in another part of the earth care about them. I think that this is a very good site, if you are thinking to change someone's life and get personal feed back. 

Their link is : OR for australia 

Another foundation that you can also look at is WORLD VISION. 
world vision have the similar system as compassion. However this foundation do not involve christian value as much as compassion. This foundation also provide "adoption" just like compassion, and also to donate directly. You can look at their website at : 

you can also donate to churches like Hillsong church in sydney or Jakarta Praise Community Church in Jakarta. For further information you can also cantact me to ask questions . :) 

be blessed, 

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